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Discord Security

tag: [Community & Marketing, Security Specialist]

Discord has a large set of security settings to take into consideration, as well as some potential pitfalls where a server moderator could for example fall victim to a phishing attempt by having their account hijacked through a QR code. Below, you can find some hardening suggestions when setting up a Discord server.

Discord Server Hardening

Server Settings:

a) Enable 2FA Requirement for Moderation

  • Go to Server Settings > Safety Setup > Moderation
  • Toggle on "Require 2FA for moderation"
  • This ensures all moderators have an extra layer of security
  • Protects your server if a moderator's account is compromised

b) Set Appropriate Verification Level

  • Go to Server Settings > Safety Setup > Verification Level
  • Choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Highest
  • Recommended: "High" for public servers (requires verified email and server membership for 10 minutes before messaging)
  • Higher levels protect against spammers and raids

c) Enable Explicit Content Filter

  • Go to Server Settings > Safety Setup > Content Filter
  • Set to "Scan messages from all members"
  • This automatically blocks messages containing explicit images in non-age-restricted channels
  • Age-restricted channels are exempt from this filter

Roles and Permissions:

a) Implement Role Hierarchy

  • Go to Server Settings > Roles
  • Create roles like: Admin, Moderator, Trusted Member, Member, New Member
  • Drag to reorder; higher roles override lower roles
  • Restructure the role hierarchy by dragging roles higher or lower in the roles list

b) Restrict Administrative Permissions

  • For each role, carefully review the 32 available permissions
  • Key permissions to restrict: Administrator, Manage Server, Manage Roles, Manage Channels
  • Never give Admin or Kick permissions to anyone you don't fully trust
  • Good permissions for moderators: Manage Channels, Manage Roles, Manage Messages, Ban Members, Delete Messages
  • Good permissions for members: View Channels, Create Invite, Send Messages, Read Message History, Connect, Speak & Use Voice Activity

c) Use Channel-Specific Permissions

  • Right-click on a channel > Edit Channel > Permissions
  • Set custom permissions for roles or members in specific channels

d) Use the "View Server as Role" Feature

  • Go to Server Settings > Roles > Select a role > View Server as Role
  • This allows you to see what members with a certain role can see and access


a) Set Up Auto-Moderation Rules

  • Go to Server Settings > AutoMod
  • Set up rules for: Spam, Harmful Links, Mention Spam, Inappropriate Words
  • Configure custom keyword filters and exempted roles
  • Customize the response to spam, like blocking the message, sending an alert, or timing out the member
  • Allow certain roles to bypass the spam filter if needed

b) Configure Timeout Durations

  • Go to Server Settings > Safety Setup > Timeout
  • Set default duration (e.g., 60 minutes)
  • Educate moderators on using timeouts effectively

c) Establish Clear Server Rules

  • Create a #rules channel
  • Use Discord's built-in rules screening feature
  • Include sections on: Behavior, Content, Moderation Actions, Appeals Process


a) Audit Bot Permissions

  • Go to Server Settings > Integrations
  • Review each bot's permissions
  • Remove unnecessary permissions

b) Remove Unnecessary Bots

  • Uninstall any bots that aren't actively used or needed

c) Implement Security/Moderation Bots

  • Consider bots like:
    • MEE6 for auto-moderation and leveling
    • Dyno for advanced moderation and logging
    • Carl-bot for reaction roles and custom commands


a) Organize Channels Logically

  • Use categories to group related channels
  • Suggested categories: Information, General, Voice Channels, Topic-Specific

b) Set Slow Mode Where Needed

  • Channel Settings > Overview > Slow Mode
  • Set appropriate cooldown (e.g., 5-30 seconds) for busy channels

c) Use Age-Restricted Channels Appropriately

  • Channel Settings > Overview > Age-Restricted Channel
  • Enable for channels with mature content


a) Disable Permanent Invites

  • Server Settings > Invites
  • Uncheck "Allow anyone with administrative permissions to create invites"

b) Set Invite Expiration and Usage Limits

  • When creating an invite: Set "Expire After" and "Max Number of Uses"
  • Recommended: 24 hours expiration, 50-100 uses

c) Regularly Audit Active Invites

  • Server Settings > Invites
  • Review and delete unnecessary or old invites

Member Screening:

a) Enable Membership Screening

  • Server Settings > Safety Setup > Membership Screening
  • Toggle on "Enable Membership Screening"

b) Set Up Screening Questionnaire

  • Add questions about server rules, age verification, etc.
  • Require members to agree to rules before joining

c) Set Up Membership Requirements

  • Require users to react to a message or post an introduction
  • This helps filter out bots and spam accounts from joining


a) Enable Audit Logs

  • Ensure admin/mod roles have "View Audit Log" permission

b) Set Up a Private Logging Channel

  • Create a private channel visible only to admins/mods
  • Use a logging bot like Logger or Dyno to send detailed logs

Regular Reviews:

a) Conduct Periodic Permission Audits

  • Monthly: Review all role permissions
  • Use a spreadsheet to track changes and justifications

b) Review and Update Server Rules

  • Quarterly: Assess if rules need updating
  • Announce any changes in a dedicated announcements channel

c) Check for Unused Channels/Roles

  • Bi-annually: Delete or archive inactive channels
  • Remove roles that are no longer needed

Cold Admin Accounts:

a) Set Up a "Cold" Admin Account

  • Create a new account on a separate device never used for chatting or clicking links
  • This account is highly resistant to phishing and provides an extra layer of security for the server owner

b) Secure the Cold Account

  • Create a new email account for the cold account
  • Factory reset the device used for this account

c) Use the Cold Account for Critical Actions

  • Manage bots, modify server settings, and respond to compromises
  • Never use this account for regular server activities

Additional Security Measures:

a) Verification Systems

  • Implement a verification bot like Wick or
  • Require users to complete a captcha or react to a message before accessing the server

b) Raid Protection

  • Use anti-raid bots like Wick or Dyno
  • Configure automatic lockdown settings for suspicious activity

c) Privacy Settings

  • Server Settings > Privacy Settings
  • Disable "Allow direct messages from server members"

d) Integration Whitelisting

  • Server Settings > Integrations > Allow new integrations to be added by:
  • Set to "Only Administrators" to prevent unauthorized bot additions

e) Server Insights

  • Enable Server Insights for detailed analytics
  • Use this data to inform moderation strategies and server improvements

f) Backup Systems

  • Use a bot like ServerBackup to regularly backup your server configuration
  • Store backups securely off-platform

Additional Resources